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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Horse Tack

Now, you may be thinking, out of all the horse related stuff i could post, why horse tack? Well, you HAVE to know how to tack up correctly. No lies, if done wrong, can be life threatening. So watch this video if you still need some help.

Dream Horse

Everyone has a dream horse. For some, it may be shaggy Shetland pony. For others, a black mysterious stallion. I honestly, I'm not sure what mine would be... Maybe a tall sturdy bay...I would recommend a trainer who knows you well, make sure he would be fit for you. A horse should be bought broken in, and if not, find a suitable trainer. Naming your horse can be tough..unlike a stuffed horse, you cant change hi/her name everyday..My trainer has a horse named Goodness Gracious. Gracie for short. She is called this because sometimes she is a pain in the tail. So choose wisely! Another thing is finding the right feed.If the horse you are buying is from a previous owner, make sure to learn the feed. If its a foal you are raising, ask your vet.They will  be able to help. I know..I know..i'm laying a million things on you...
But these are important. Remember these simple steps to having your dream horse. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Strange Horse Facts!

  • Did you know a horse has no bones that connects its leg to its body? Its true! There is only muscle!

  • Horses have these things called chestnuts on there legs. I find that dogs love to eat them.

  • Horses have the largest eye of any land animal

  • Horses teeth take up more space in their heads then their brain does.

  • The oldest horse who ever lived was called "Old Billy" and was 62 when he died.

  • Horses can't vomit.

  • In 2003 the first cloned horse was created being a half linger mare in Italy.

  • Horses drink 25 gallons of water a day at the most.

  • The zebra is a type of horse.

  • A Clydesdale can grow to 20 hands tall!!

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Here is a problem a lot of riders have: DISTRACTIONS!!. Mabey you saw a little kitten scurry across the road or a car flew by or maybe you can't stop thinking about a big important test coming up. These small little things will cause you to get DISTRACTED!! You could make a wrong turn when jumping or dressage and injure you or the horse. You need to stop, take a deep breathe, and count to five. This should help clear your mind. Sometimes, I just count to the rhythm of the horses steps. Remember to always stay focused, keep your eyes in front of you, and stay calm. Your horse will sense if you are distracted so don't get DISTRACTED!! Your horse will also go in the direction your head has turned so stay on the trail! Follow these easy steps and you will be able to ride safely! Enjoy riding!

Friday, January 27, 2017

A Few Things To Remember When Riding.

Makenna Harrell                                                                                                                                     January 27, 2017
  Hello reader. Today we are going to go over a few simple things to remember when riding. First, HEELS DOWN. I honestly have a problem with doing so, but I am still learning. This is important because it keeps you safe in your seat. (Don't SHOVE your heels down though)  I know that a lot of people have problems with diagonals when they first start riding and I am always getting mine confused. If you have not started diagonals that is fine, I will be covering that in a later post. One last thing to remember is to keep your eyes in front of you. If you don't, consequences will follow. ( I had to find that out the hard way) Just remember these three little details and you are on a great start to being a professional rider. GOOD LUCK! 

Monday, November 7, 2016


Makenna Harrell                                                         Monday November 7, 2016

     Hello reader. I am very excited about my new blog. I will be giving hints and tips for riding English style. I will be posting pictures and videos on my experiences. I will also be posting info for new riders. Please invite your friends that also ride and/or have horses to check out my blog. I really hope you enjoy "A Horse Haven". Thank you.